+39 080.4958220

via Zara 24 - 70014 Conversano (Bari) - ITALY

The virtue of milk

Milk, cheese and yoghurt make up the best food source of calcium, therefore are particularly important for the nourishment of children, expectant mothers and elderly.
Calcium, prime element to preserve our bone structure, our dental health and the stimulation of our nerve cells, is present in high percentage and in an form easy to assimilate.

Besides calcium there is:
phosphorus necessary element to develop the brain;

vitamin A necessary for eyes, skin and growth;

vitamin D helpful in fixing calcium and phosphorus in the bones;

vitamin B2 essential to form tissue and for the eyesight;

vitamin B12 helpful in forming red blood cells and to make the nervous system work;

Is it true that milk and its by-products contain cholesterol?
This cannot be denied, but it must be remembered that there is a special substance in milk, idrossimetilglutarato, that seems to favour the lowering of cholesterol and of fat in the blood; besides because of the fact that the average quantity of cholesterol is modest, about 80 mg of cholesterol per 100 g of cheese, this cannot be considered a limiting factor for its consumption.